Who We Help
We grow and scale technology companies with passionate founders, stellar teams and innovative and market-ready products or technologies.
Whether you are a startup founder looking to extend your core team to help build a scalable business, management team of a later stage company looking for strategic advisory help to do something transformative, or a large corporation looking to foster internal innovation or tap into the external startup ecosystem, we are here to help.
(Entrepreneurs, Founders, Investors)
Engage us to work with you side-by-side to strategically co-build an investable and scalable company, transition from a product-focused to customer-focused business, and position for future funding and continued growth.
(CEOs, Management, Boards, Investors)
Engage us to lead and execute critical strategic initiatives as your company grows beyond Series B, including institutional-style fund raises for larger and later rounds, growth M&A opportunities, unlock value, and potential exit alternatives.
(Corporate Innovators)
Engage us to design and build a custom solution to meet your corporate strategic objectives to cultivate internal innovation and incubate ideas, or connect with external startups ripe for partnership, investment or acquisition.
Addressing the Startup Growth Cycle
We work effectively with a broad range of growth-oriented, private companies from
Series B stage through pre-IPO. We typically look for startups with the following attributes to propel them from good to great:​
Series B
Growing but not full team
Market-tested product
Growing revenue/clients
Product-focused approach
Series C and Later
Scaling quickly
Steady revenue growth
Establishing market leadership
Customer-focused approach
Contact us to have an intro call (free) to see how we can help.